Membership Benefits
- Continuing comradeship, networking for post-retirement occupational placement, and providing recognition and support to active and retired members, as well as, the enforcement mission of Homeland Security Investigations.
- There are currently local Chapters across the country that meet throughout the year. Some of the Chapters participate in local fund raising and support in conjunction with local organizations the Chapters chose to affiliate with.
- Bi-Annual Newsletter containing legacy historical articles, columns covering retirements, new members, wellness, financial, and legislative matters affecting employment/retirement.
- Regular Email notices announcing Job Opportunities. These listings are also posted within the Members Only Section of the ACHSIA website.
- ACHSIA Web Site Members Only Directory Access and ACHSIA Listings. The Membership Directory includes personal and business contact information. The Directory is securely maintained on the website and contains the most current membership information
- Annual Convention
Membership Requirements
Regular membership is open to (a) retired Officers of the U.S. Customs Service or the predecessor agency, the Bureau of Customs or the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement who served as Customs Agents, Customs Special Agents of Homeland Security Investigations Special Agents (1811) and were separated honorably from such service and are persons of good moral character and reputation; (b) Former U.S. Customs Service Officers who served a minimum of two (2) years as Customs Agents, Customs Special Agents or Homeland Security Investigations Special Agents (1811) were separated honorably from such service, are not employees of the U. S. Government and are persons of good moral character and reputation; (c) Any Associate Member in Article I, Section 2 (d) having been a member in good standing for a period of three (3) years may request of the Board of Directors, a change in status to Regular Member. Upon receipt of such requests, the Board of Directors shall consider service to the Association, attendance at Annual Association Conventions and service on Committees of the Association.
Associate membership is open to (a) Active Special Agents (1811) of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations who served honorably for a period of not less than two (2) years and are persons of good moral character and reputation; (b) Former U.S. Customs Service Officers who served honorably for a period of not less than two (2) years as Customs Agents, Customs Special Agents and were separated honorably from the Customs Service or the predecessor agency, the Bureau of Customs and, at the time of application, are employed by the U.S. Government and are persons of good moral character and reputation; (c ) Spouses of living members and widows or widowers of deceased members; (d ) Employees of the U.S. Customs Service, merged into the Department of Homeland Security, having served in other Customs Positions for not less than five (5) years, as well as, former Foreign Service Nationals (FSN), who are within one (1) year of eligibility of retirement from the U.S. Government under honorable conditions and are of good moral character and reputation; (e) The Board of Directors shall be the final authority on any questions as to these requirements.
1. Please read the Application Checklist prior to filling out the Membership Application!
2. Click here for an application to download - print and mail.